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Tips & Tricks: Clip Art & Email Attachments

Sep 6, 2016 | General

Tips & Tricks: Clip Art

Click HERE for a quick tutorial on inserting clip art!  (Be sure to scroll down to Word 2010 [Method 2].)

This article provides a nice how-to on moving and re-sizing clip art.

Tips & Tricks: Emailing Attachments

Need help attaching a file to an email?  This article tells you how in Outlook 2010.  If you’re using webmail, follow the same steps as in the article and click on the paperclip to insert an attachment.

Or watch this 3 minute video tutorial on inserting, previewing, opening, and saving attachments in Outlook:

If you have questions on any of the above or if you have a topic you want covered by Tips & Tricks, let Office Hours know –!