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Important Follow-up Information

Dec 14, 2020 | COVID-19

Dear CEO Staff, 

Watching the news and the reports in our community on the increasing spread of COVID-19 and how it is impacting our staff, their families, friends and neighbors is difficult. As your employer, we greatly appreciate your continued commitment to our customers and your efforts at balancing personal safety with the delivery of service.  Last week was particularly challenging for many of our staff impacted by COVID-19, so it was necessary to quickly pivot to a remote work day while we evaluated our ability to provide in-person services more closely this morning.  

After a review of all programs and services, we have decided to continue in-person programming for our most vulnerable populations or programs with increased safety measures and also to increase remote work assignments wherever possible. 

The following guidelines must be followed for all staff assigned to report to work onsite: 

Staff must do everything possible to avoid or minimize side-by-side interactions while performing or delivering services.  Additionally, staff may not share office space daily within any program; this is to minimize high-touch areas.  All Directors are working to explore alternative considerations to reduce risk when working side-by-side is unavoidable.

  • Staff may not drive in a vehicle together.  
  • All communication must be conducted virtually (telephone / email), even from one building or office to the next.  In-person meetings are strictly prohibited. 
  • Any holiday-related celebrations or festivities must be conducted in a virtual manner. All program onsite activities, regardless of the ability to be contactless, are prohibited. 
  • Staff experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 related illness may not report onsite to work without proof of a negative COVID-19 test. 
  • If remote staff must periodically report onsite to complete a duty or responsibility that cannot be completed offsite, they must work alone within an office or building and will be responsible to follow all safety protocols while onsite. 

The Senior Administrative Team will continue to work with the Leadership Team to implement additional safety measures and precautions for anyone who is required to report onsite.  Any approval granted to work onsite must strictly follow the guidelines outlined above. 

Additional precautions will be taken during the weeks of January 4th and January 11th when all non-essential service delivery will occur remotely or contactless.  We will revisit our ability to return to in-person programming throughout the remote/virtual weeks and will let you know prior to the anticipated return date of Tuesday, January 19, 2021. 

It is our hope that these efforts will keep everyone as safe as possible during the holidays. We care deeply about the health and safety of you, your family and our community. We are CEO STRONG and we will get through this challenging time together!  I’m so thankful to be a part of our CEO family and look forward to a community that is safe and healthy in the coming months. 

Please contact your program director with any questions or feedback relating to our safety protocols. We will, as always, continue to monitor and evaluate how to proceed on an ongoing basis throughout this pandemic.