Quick Links
CEO Text Alert Service
In an effort to offer as many communication channels to our staff as possible, CEO now has a text...
Agency Operations and Hours
As you are aware, CEO implemented a reduced program model today to support social distance...
COVID-19 Update from Katherine Maciol
Dear CEO Staff, Over the past few weeks we have been monitoring the developments of the pandemic...
Attention: Administrative Day Monday, March 16th
Please note that CEO will be observing an Administrative Day for Emergency Planning Purposes on...
New Vending Machine at CRC
There is a new vending machine at the Community Resource Center. If you work on Fifth Avenue, or...
Community Action Month T-Shirt Contest
With Community Action Month coming up in May, CEO is hosting a design competition for the...
COVID- 19 Precautions
Dear CEO Staff, I’d like to assure all staff that I am actively monitoring official updates of the...
Happy Birthday!
We'd like to extend birthday wishes to all staff born in January, February and March! Moving...
March CEO Calendar
The CEO Monthly Calendar has been updated with March agency activities!
2019 Holiday Party Survey Feedback
Thank you for participating in the 2019 Holiday Party Feedback Survey! We appreciate so many of...
Congratulations to our YouthBuild Troy 2019 Cycle Graduates!
Our 2019 YouthBuild Troy cycle celebrated their accomplishments with a graduation ceremony at...
2020 IT Survey Responses & Feedback
Our sincerest thanks to those of you that took the time to provide feedback in our recent IT...
Fly 92 Cake Crashes CEO!
The Fly 92.3 Morning Crew Cake Crashed the CEO admin office this afternoon. Thank you to Victor...
CEO Monthly Calendar
Brought to you by popular demand, there is now a monthly CEO all agency calendar on the Intranet!...
University at Albany Philanthropy Class Awards Funds to CEO
Undergraduate students in Professor Susan Appe’s Fall 2019 Private Philanthropy, Public Problems,...
Welcome Don Keefe!
Help us welcome Don Keefe! On January 2nd , Don started in his new position as the Director of the...
2019 Holiday Party Feedback Survey
It’s hard to believe we are thinking about the holidays again, but planning starts early for our...
Congratulations to our January CEO Star!
Thank you, Nichole Perez for all of your hard work!
We Need Your Help! 2020 IT Survey
In an effort to ensure the IT Steering Committee is working toward the initiatives most highly...
VITA Free Tax Prep Services
We are excited to announce that we have begun taking appointments for our VITA free tax...
New Food Pantry Check-in Process
Effective Monday January 6th, the CEO Food Pantry will be starting a new check-in process. All...
CEO Holiday Party Photos
Some photos from the holiday party are now up on Facebook! Congratulations again to our 2019 CEO...
Staff Holiday Party
Congratulations to our November CEO Star!
A few days late, but a huge congratulations goes out to Karen Sloan!