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Free Fall Fest
Tomorrow afternoon at the Joe Bruno Stadium: Free Fall Fest with fun for the whole family!
Thanksgiving Baskets 2024
We are excited to announce that CEO is joining forces with Unity House and the Regional Food Bank...
IT Survey
The IT Steering Committee would like to hear from you about what potential technology related tips...
CEO Fall Webstore
We are happy to announce that CEO will be opening the webstore through our partners at Awards by...
October 2024 Birthdays!
Help us wish a Happy Birthday to all the staff members with October birthdates! Staff Member...
Flu Clinic Wednesday September 18
CEO will be hosting a Flu Clinic open to CEO staff and the public on Wednesday September 18th from...
“What If…” Mini Grants
We are happy to announce that our friends at the Troy Savings Bank Charitable Foundation are...
New staff orientation
Help us extend a warm welcome to the new CEO staff that went through orientation this week: Faith...
September 2024- Birthdays!
Help us wish a Happy Birthday to all the staff members with September birthdates! Staff Member...
New staff orientation
Tabitha Owens (Talent Acquisition Specialist), Samantha Altschuler (Assistant Center Manager at...
CEO Special Day Recognition Calendar
Over the past several months CEO has been working to create a calendar of holidays and months/days...
New CEO Branded Document Templates
In an effort to improve some of our internal documents and better match them to our current...
August 2024 Birthdays
Help us wish a Happy Birthday to all the staff members with August birthdates! Staff Member...
Revised Code of Conduct/Zero Tolerance
We wanted to share the below documents to be distributed to staff and utilized in programs; CEO’s...
COVID Protocol Reminder
We wanted to send out a reminder regarding CEO’s COVID protocol for staff that test positive. All...
Baby Shop Closet
We are excited to announce that CEO recently partnered with Mom Starts Here to open a baby shop...
July 2024 Birthdays!
Help us wish a Happy Birthday to all the staff members with July birthdates! Staff Member Location...
Congratulations Nancy Uber!
Tomorrow is our Quality Assurance Director, Nancy Uber's, last day with CEO. Nancy is retiring...
Juneteenth Events
Happy Friday. I wanted to reach out and remind you of the Troy Youth Alliance's Juneteenth events...
CDTA Survey
Transportation is essential for the community CEO serves. With that in mind, CDTA has moved into...
Congratulations CDA Graduates!
Congratulations to our latest class of CDA Graduates! Pictured are Nagham Husan, Danielle Bohmer,...
June 2024 Birthdays!
Help us wish a Happy Birthday to all the staff members with June birthdates! Staff Member Location...
Reflections on ECS Leadership Group year three
“CEO invests a lot of time in their employees, so this shows you how much they are willing to...
Congratulations to all of our staff who tackled the CDPHP Workforce Challenge
Great job and a huge thank you to Gallagher Insurance for underwriting CEO's participation.