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Call for Program Photos!
The Marketing Department is looking for more program photos to use in marketing & communications materials, CEO promotion, and social media posts. We do such great work at CEO across all of our programs, and the Marketing Department would like to make sure we are conveying that. If you have photos that you’ve taken of […]
FREE Child Development Associate Class
CEO is excited to announce that we will be hosting a FREE Child Development Associate (CDA) class. The Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™ is the most widely recognized credential in early childhood education (ECE) and is a key stepping stone on the path of career advancement in ECE. The CDA Credential™ is based on a core […]
Second October CEO STAR
Congratulations to the Facilities Department, our second October CEO STAR!
October CEO STAR
Help us extend congratulations to Lindsey Jackson, our October CEO STAR!
Thanksgiving Food Packages
In partnership with Unity House, and Capital Roots, CEO is hosting sign-ups for food packages for thanksgiving again this year. Starting on Monday, October 1st, customers can sign up at either CEO or Unity House. Space will be limited. $5 will cover fresh local produce like: Potatoes Carrots Apples Celery Participants will also receive: Gravy […]
New IT Service Request Form
There is a new form on the IT page that should be used for all IT Service Requests moving forward. Rather than a fillable PDF, you can now request IT service directly on the IT page.
2018 Community Action Luncheon
Thank you to all the staff that helped make the 2018 Community Action Luncheon a great event. This was the first year that we focused on making the Community Action Luncheon both a celebration of community action and customer success, AND a fundraising event, and it was a huge success. Photos from the event were […]
Congratulations to our September CEO STAR
Help us congratulate the School 12 UPK staff on being our September CEO STARS!
A Day in the Life of a YouthBuild Graduate & Weatherization Laborer
The latest “Day in the Life” post is up on the CEO blog! Read along as we follow Angiela DeWitt, a recent YouthBuild graduate, and Weatherization Laborer as she spends her day on a work site as part of the Weatherization Assistance Program.
Community Action Luncheon Staff Tickets
We are happy to extend the invitation to our Community Action Luncheon being held on September 19, 2018 from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at the Hilton Garden Inn on Hoosick Street in Troy to staff. The cost is $50 per ticket, there is no pressure to participate. For those who are interested, a registration form […]
2018 Foster Grandparent Recognition Picnic
Our Foster Grandparent team put on a wonderful luau themed picnic this afternoon at Peebles Island State Park. There were over 50 Foster Grandparents in attendance, and the DJ, Raffles, Games, and menu were all a huge hit.
A Day in the Life of a WIC Vendor Management Liaison
Ever wanted to know more about WIC Vendor Management? Follow Marianne Miner around for a snapshot of her life as a WIC Vendor Management Liaison.
Second August CEO STAR
Help us congratulate Heather Gallerie if you see her, she is an August CEO STAR!
New HR Forms
The Job Order Form and Bereavement Leave Request Form, formerly PDF forms, have been replaced with forms hosted on the Intranet via Gravity forms. Please use these forms moving forward rather than the PDF versions. They are linked to on the HR Resources page, and are available here as well: Job Order Form Bereavement Leave […]
August CEO Star!
Help us extend congratulations to the Finance Team, our August CEO Star!
New Business Card Request Form
There is a new business card request order form hosted on the Intranet under the Marketing & Communications Resources. New Card Orders: New card requests for the approved positions are submitted automatically by the Human Resources (HR) department as part of the staff onboarding process. Business Card Reorders: To reorder an existing business card, an […]
Voter Registration September 12th
Mark your calendars, the League of Women Voters of Rensselaer County will be tabling at the CRC in Troy from 12:30 to 2:30 on September 12th. They will have information on how to figure out when and where to vote, who is running, and what to do once you get to the polls. They’ll have […]
New Marketing & Communications Request Form
In an effort to streamline requests and processes through the intranet, there is a new Marketing & Communications Request Form that can be easily accessed through the Marketing & Communications Resource Page, or through this link here. Please use this form for all marketing requests moving forward. If you have any questions or have any […]
Karen E. Gordon Scholarship
CEO’s Karen E. Gordon Scholarship is an opportunity to further support the educational and employment success of our community members. The scholarship is available to current or potential students in post-secondary education or training programs, and persons who have participated in CEO’s programs. Please make this scholarship available to customers and staff who are eligible. We encourage you to […]
A Day in the Life of a WIC Nutritionist
Check out the fifth in our series of “A Day in the Life” photo journals documenting the workdays of our staff and the people we serve over on the CEO blog. In July, we interviewed Shakeyla PauPaw, WIC Nutritionist at the Community Resource Center!
Free Community Cooking Workshop
Join us to Beat the Heat with Cool Eats! When: Tuesday, July 31st, 5pm to 6pm What: Who wants to stand over a hot oven or stove in the middle of summer? No one, and you don’t have to! This class will introduce you to some cold meal recipes for fresh delicious and nutritious summer […]
Health & Wellness Workshops | Self-Defense Boxing
CEO is pleased to be partnering with Kevin Pryor to offer a self-defense boxing style class! Please pass the word on to any participants/customers who you think might be interested. Self-Defense Boxing When: Thursday July 26th, 5pm-6pm Where: CEO Community Resource Center 3rd Floor Conference Room, 2328 5th Ave Troy NY Who: Adults 18+ of […]
CEO Backpack Program
CEO will start their Backpack Program on August 6th, 2018 at our Community Resource Center which is located at 2328 5th ave Troy, NY. CEO has partnered up with CAP COM and additional sponsors Fidelis Care and Stewarts to provide 100 backpacks with school supplies for families in need. Eligibility requirements: A parent/child/household member must […]
New Benefits Available Through ADP
The HR department is happy to announce new free benefits available through ADP.