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Raeanne Wright-Emory

March Birthdays

Help us extend a happy birthday to our staff members with March birthdays! Staff MemberLocationBirthdayLori WhitmanHFFRCMarch 1Cara BryantCRC Early Childhood ServicesMarch 3Kelly BerbrickEarly Childhood ServicesMarch 4Teresa HatchSchodack FRCMarch 6Teresa RasoCRC...

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Covid-19 Vaccination appointments and leave time

In an effort to continue to encourage staff to obtain the Covid-19 vaccination, effective Monday, Feb. 22, 2021 CEO will issue up to three hours of leave time to staff who need time off during their work day for a Covid-19 vaccination appointment. To be eligible for...

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COVID Navigator Position

CEO is hiring for a COVID Navigator to help identify and support Renssselaer County Residents with COVID-19 related impacts, needs, and services. The position is a Full-Time, Temporary Position through September 2021. Help spread the word! Applicants should visit our...

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24-7 Mental Health Support

Did you know that CDPHP® offers live video doctor visits 24/7 with a mental health provider through Doctor On Demand®?   You may be familiar with Doctor On Demand’s medical services, which can replace a trip to urgent care or the ER for things like colds,...

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COVID-19 Vaccine Myths vs. Facts

Are you being bombarded with conflicting information about the Covid-19 vaccine? Us too! We have compiled some information from a trusted resource in the medical community and would like to share it with you. COVID-19 Vaccine Myths Vs. Facts Thank you and have a great...

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As Covid-19 continues to be a at the forefront of our lives, it has become necessary to revise the procedure to report any Covid-19 related matters that may prevent you from working. Effective today, should you have a Covid-19 impact either through illness,...

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Travel Advisory Reminder

As we approach the upcoming February holiday and ECS shut down period, we would like to remind everyone that the NYS travel advisory, mandatory quarantine and Covid-19 testing requirements are still in effect.  It is important to note that the quarantine period...

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