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Home 5 CEO Admin 5 November News!

Hello staff!

With the holidays right around the corner, some of our programs are ramping up for special holiday initiatives. If you have photos or news you would like to share as the month unfolds, please email Emily Cote, Marketing and Communications Specialist, at

CEO’s Early Childhood programs are participating in warm winter coat distribution this month. Stepping Stones I and UPK already received coats, which were donated by the CAP COM Cares Foundation. The rest of our Head Start locations will receive new coats from Kathy Jimino and other Rensselaer County employees on the following dates:

  • Southern Renssleaer County FRC, Rensselaer FRC, and Viking – November 12th
  • JLB and Troy FRC –  November 14th
  • Hoosick Falls – November 19th

Stay tuned for more cute photos of the coat distributions!

The CEO Food Pantry will be handing out Thanksgiving Food Baskets on Monday, November 25th

In other news, The CEO Foundation was successful in raising over $43,000 at our “A Time for Tasting” fundraiser. The event was a blast, and the funds raised will be used to supplement our Youth-focused programs throughout the year! Thank you to everyone who helped to support the Foundation’s efforts!

Finally, CEO’s Marketing and Communications department was recently awarded $24,000 in free consulting services to help update the CEO brand. The prize was a part of a local “Roadmap to Results” competition. Organizations from all over the Capital Region submitted applications, and CEO was selected to work with a hand-picked team of consultants from all over the country. The consulting engagement has only just begun, and there is much work to be done – we will keep everyone updated as the process unfolds! Based on feedback, the proposal has been made available for staff to read (below). I (Emily) hope you all know what CEO means to me, what all of YOU mean to me, and what an honor it was to accept this award on behalf of this organization. I’ve said it before-  I have the greatest job in the world: all of you do amazing things every day, and I get to brag about you.

