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Daily Health Screening Requirements

Dec 8, 2021 | COVID-19

Dear CEO Staff,

Due to increasing COVID-19 positivity rates in the community, it is necessary to remind staff of the expectations around health and safety protocols in the workplace.

Daily Health Screen:
Staff are required to conduct a daily self-assessment (health screen) of the COVID-19 symptoms outlined below PRIOR to reporting to work. Anyone who is unable to clear a health screen is required to notify their supervisor prior to their established work time and may NOT report to work while they follow up with a medical provider to establish an alternative diagnosis and/or provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test. Staff may utilize any available sick leave time or PTO to cover an absence while pursuing a diagnosis relating to the symptoms outlined below. Paid NYS COVID-19 sick leave may be available for any staff member who tests positive and has not previously exhausted these benefits.

Return to work:
Staff will be eligible to return to the workplace when they can provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test or obtain an alternative diagnosis by a medical provider. Verification of the alternative diagnosis or a copy of the negative test results can be emailed to upon arrival to work.

For your reference, the COVID-19 symptoms identified by the CDC as associated with the virus are listed as:

Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting

Face Coverings
All employees who work with customers, children and/or families must remain masked throughout the day or during any period of time spent interacting with the public. Face masks need to cover the nose and mouth completely at all times.

Social Distancing
Must be observed while interacting with customers, children, families and coworkers.

At this time, all efforts must be made to hold meetings virtually. Any meetings that require in-person attendance must practice social distancing and should be limited based on meeting space and group size.

Frequent handwashing and sanitization of your immediate work areas is highly recommended to reduce the spread of the virus.

Telemedicine (United Concierge)
As a reminder, CEO provides telemedicine services to all staff and their enrolled household members as a free employee benefit. Many staff members have taken advantage of this benefit and found it to be extremely beneficial throughout this pandemic. Please utilize this resource for assistance with ANY COVID-19 related concerns or questions, including testing referrals or assistance with determining an alternative diagnosis.
United Concierge can be reached at 1-844-484-7362 or via .

Your attention to these protocols are appreciated, we will continue to revise and update requirements or recommendations as deemed necessary. A safe and healthy workplace for all staff members continues to be our top priority. Please reach out with any questions or concerns.

Note: Staff working within non-agency sites will be expected to follow the established protocols of their specific worksites.