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Health Screening Procedure and Updated Health Screen Questionaire

Oct 15, 2020 | COVID-19

Due to updated guidance by New York State relating to COVID-19, CEO has revised the health screening questions to be completed by staff daily.

Please use the health screen form effective 10.17.20.

The updated questions are:

  1. Have you experienced a fever greater than 100.4° or had any COVID-19 symptoms in the past 10 days? Some symptoms may include a new cough, shortness of breath, or new loss of taste or smell, etc. 
  2. Have you tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 10 days?
  3. Have you had close contact with anyone who has a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the past 10 days? Close contact is defined as within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes.
  4. Have you traveled internationally or returned from a state identified as a restricted state with a travel advisory by NYS in the past 14 days?

As a reminder, employees should not report to work if they are unable to pass the health screen and are required to contact their supervisor following the absence notification process, as well as contact their health care provider and Human Resources for additional guidance.

Additional information on the procedure can be located on the CEO employee intranet under Quick Links.