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Programming to resume 1/19/2021

Jan 15, 2021 | COVID-19

Dear CEO Staff,

I hope everyone had a safe and happy winter break (or as best possible considering the uniqueness of this past year). As you are aware we approved some additional safety protocols for the first two weeks in January with hopes of reducing employee impact. Although we will remain as contactless as possible, we do feel that a greater availability of some services as well as getting children back in school is a priority for our community.  Your supervisor will provide guidance for your schedule as we continue to approve as much remote work as is possible or appropriate while balancing  program needs.

The safety protocols that CEO has put in place throughout this pandemic and specifically in recent weeks, when it was anticipated to be the greatest risk, has hopefully demonstrated our ongoing commitment to your safety.  Although many staff are returning to an onsite schedule, our commitment to your safety will continue as we remain in full compliance with all recommended protocols. However, your  cooperation and compliance is the key to success; full adherence to completing health screens, social distancing and mask wearing is required. There is to be no in-person meetings or activities that compromise safety as several of our biggest issues over the past few months have  been the result of practices that were not in line with the required protocols. 

We understand that “COVID fatigue” is a real thing , but we need everyone to keep up the necessary steps to stop the spread of this virus until the availability of the vaccines starts to help us get back to more normal times. An email from HR to provide some vaccine information will be forthcoming.

We will continue to monitor community outbreak/spread on a daily basis over the coming days and weeks and will make the best decisions possible to keep everyone safe.  

Enjoy your holiday weekend!
