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Updated safety protocols

Mar 22, 2021 | COVID-19

Dear Staff,

The Senior Administrative Team (SAT) regularly discusses and revisits how to best maintain safety precautions as part of our commitment to your safety while at work.

At this time, based on the decreasing positivity rates within our community and increasing number of staff being vaccinated, we have determined that loosening some restrictions is appropriate.

Although the in-person customer service model will remain contactless at this time, the following practices are considered approved for anyone who has passed their daily health screening and complies with the established health and safety protocols outlined below.

Effective immediately:

  • Staff may enter any CEO sites to conduct business as deemed necessary- lingering for non-business related purposes is discouraged.
  • Brief staff or team meetings may occur in spaces that allow social distancing- the preferred location continues to be outdoors, but larger rooms or hallways are considered appropriate.

Please note – spaces that don’t allow for social distancing continue to be prohibited congregate areas. The CRC conference room will remain closed for large group meetings at this time.

  • Customers may enter a CEO Site with a scheduled appointment, only as deemed necessary to conduct business – supervisor approval required.
  • Funding sources and vendors required to conduct business may be approved to enter CEO sites following the required safety protocols outlined below.

As a reminder, full compliance with the following safety protocols must be practiced at all times:

  • Wearing a face covering while interacting with others or in any public space;
  • Social distancing;
  • Handwashing, and
  • Completion of Daily Health Screens

The guidance above is subject to change based on reported positivity rates within the agency and community.  

We continue to encourage everyone to consider getting vaccinated as that will ultimately be our greatest individual contribution  to moving forward and arriving at our “new normal”.  

