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Checking in

May 27, 2020 | General

As we begin week 11 of navigating this pandemic we hope you all enjoyed a safe and healthy Memorial Day weekend. With the upcoming warm weather we hope you have the opportunity to go outdoors and enjoy it while remembering the requirements of face coverings if you’re unable to observe social distancing in public.  Although it may be uncomfortable as the weather gets warmer, it is important to remember that they’re required for your safety but you have many options and not all masks are created equal. You may need to try a few different types to find the most comfortable fit.  The options online are endless and if you’re feeling creative its fairly easy to make your own!   

We have heard that for some, this may cause you to feel like it’s hard to breathe, it’s hot, you feel claustrophobic, it hurts my ears, it fogs up my glasses, are a few of the complaints out there.

Some tips to help manage those feelings are below.

·         Look around the room or wherever you are and identify things that have texture or a particular color. Kind of like playing I Spy with yourself. You could point out – for example, everything that’s the color blue. This could help distract you from your current state.

·         Another method is called anchoring: Choose a physical object, like a stone or something you can carry in your pocket or keep on your desk, and reach for when you are anxious. Maybe the object is something that has special meaning to you.

·         Move your body! Sometimes when we get panicky, we tend to freeze. What we really need to do is take action and move more. Jump up and down 10 times, do some deep breathing after and reset your nervous system.

·         Adding yoga and/or meditation to your routine can also be helpful in reducing stress and anxiety and help you be better equipped to handle stress when it occurs. 

·         Develop a mantra. Find calming words or words of gratitude to repeat to yourself when you are getting upset while breathing deeply. 

·         Try aromatherapy, inhaling essential oils such as lavender can help bring a sense of calm or orange oil can uplift spirits. 

Please remain safe and we look forward to having everyone back in the near future!