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Fill it Friday!

May 5, 2017 | General


CEO will be leading a personal care products drive for our customers!

Unfortunately, because many of our customers do not have the means to purchase personal care products, we thought we could benefit our communities by collecting items for them. We are tying this activity in with Community Action Day/Month. What better way to show our customers that CEO staff are the best!

On Fill it Friday, May 12th, from 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. we will have a big truck parked on Fifth Avenue in Troy to collect
all donations.

Please share the attached flyer with your family, friends, neighbors and community partners!



We are specifically looking for:

-Tooth brushes
-Tooth paste
-Feminine hygiene products
-Toilet paper
-Paper towels
-Dish detergent