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New Marketing Request Procedure!

Aug 9, 2017 | General


The Marketing and Communications Department is happy to announce a new process for requesting our team’s support!

The process is simple!  For all requests of the department, simply complete our new, consolidated Marketing Request Form and send it to  We ask that you provide as much detail as possible so we can deliver what you’re looking for!  Once we receive a request, we will keep program staff aware of our progress and expected completion timeline.

Some changes:

  1. We will ask for a form to be completed for all requests of our department.
  2. The Marketing and Communications Department will now manage all purchase requests and ordering for requested materials, etc.  We will work with program staff to make sure you are aware of the expense, but we will handle the paperwork.

Some things that stay the same:

  1. We will still need staff to support the development of materials, including review and approval of final items.
  2. We are here to help you with any marketing and communications needs, just ask!

For more information, check out the updated Marketing Request Procedure.  And if you have any questions, please direct them to the email address and Sophia or I will get back to you.  Please share with any staff who may require the support of the Marketing and Communications Department.

Thank you!