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Welcome to the redesigned CEO Intranet!

Apr 29, 2021 | CEO News, General

We hope you will find the new version of the Intranet to be fresher, and easier to navigate and use. All of the pages from the old Intranet are present on this new redesigned version, but with a clean, new look. The top and side navigations have been updated to reflect some of the most-used areas on the Intranet, including the Resources and Purchase Request form. We’ve also added some new features like a map of all CEO locations (located on the bottom of the Homepage), a real calendar of monthly events, and some redesigned pages like “The More You Know” series page.

We hope you like the design!

The Marketing & Communications Department will be hosting an Intranet Q&A this Friday (April 30) at 2pm for anyone who may have questions about updates or changes. Login information for that call is below:

Join Zoom Meeting:

Lastly, along with the introduction of the redesigned Intranet, we are pleased to also share the new CEO Values as suggested by you, the CEO staff, during our All-Staff survey. The document is available on the sidebar navigation, and printed versions will be available shortly. We are so happy to update our Values to a version that we believe truly reflects CEO as an organization.