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Your Training Opportunity: Excel Formulas

Feb 7, 2017 | General

CEO’s Office Hours will host Basic Excel Formulas on Tuesday, February 7 and Intermediate Excel Formulas on Monday, March 6, as presented by NYSCAA.

Both sessions will be held in the Computer Lab of CRC from 10:00am – 11:00am.

This is a great (and free!) opportunity to further your professional development and computer skills. Space is limited, so reserve your seat as soon as possible!

ExcelTo register for Basic Excel Formulas, click here.

The class will cover:

– the structure of formulas
– absolute and relative references
– creating formulas that refer to cells in other worksheets and workbooks

To register for Intermediate Excel Formulas, click here.

The class will cover:
– And & Or function
– Max & Min function

Also, Office Hours staff will be available before, during and after the webinar for any specific questions you may have.