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CEO Handbook Update

Oct 19, 2023 | Human Resources

Good morning CEO Team Members,

Over the past several months the HR team has been working diligently to update the CEO handbook. The purpose of these updates was to accomplish several goals which included:

  • Compliance with all legal updates in State and/or Federal regulations.
  • Reduce the overall size of the handbook and make the content more user friendly.  To accomplish this, we created hyperlinks of the longer procedural documents that will now be located on the HR page of the Intranet.
  • Streamlined and deleted repetitive language to be more succinct.
  • Align policy with current practices and update any policies approved in the past year.
  • Some additional policy updates.

As part of the handbook update process, all staff will need to review and acknowledge that they have read the updated handbook. The updated handbook is located on the CEO Intranet.  A handbook acknowledge form will be uploaded to ADP for all staff to e-sign by October 31st.

Follow the below steps to e-sign the updated handbook sign off:

  • Click Things to Do in right hand corner of ADP screen
  • Click three dots on Electronic Signature Request –Click Review and Sign
  • Scroll to the end of the form and enter you first and last name, check off checkbox, and sign

If you have any questions about the updates or process, please reach out to a member of the HR team.