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Harassment Training

Nov 6, 2023 | Human Resources

At CEO, we strongly believe that it is every employee’s responsibility to make this a great place to work by treating every employee in a professional manner with respect and dignity. Any inappropriate harassment or bullying should be immediately reported to Human Resources verbally or via the Harassment Reporting From that is located on the CEO Intranet.

As part of your orientation/annual training you must complete CEO’s harassment computer-based training before December 8, 2024.

Important: You must review the material and complete the quiz at the end of the training course in the same session for your training to be recorded accurately.  The training should take about 30 minutes and should be taken during your scheduled workday.  If you need access to a company computer to take this training, please contact your manager. If you do not receive a passing/completed certificate, please plan on taking the course again.

You will receive an email from Simplify Compliance click on the link to Start your Training.

Please forward your completed certificate to Kenneth Holmes-