CEO will be updating password requirements on Monday, April 26th. This change is following a cyber-security audit by an outside vendor and is in an effort to increase cyber-security across the agency. As of next Monday, staff will be required to utilize a passphrase rather than a password and to type in their user name when logging in to their computer.
Your username is the first section of your email before the
This passphrase will need to include:
- At least 12 characters
- At least 1 lower case
- At least 1 upper case
- At least 1 number
- At least 1 special character
While these requirements can sound overwhelming, there are a few tricks to making a passphrase that is both secure and easy to remember.
- Try subbing a number for a letter in a word, such as 3 for E in R3D
- Try subbing a special character for a letter in a word, such as ! for i in l!ttle
- Try building the phrase around an interest or a sentence that would be easy to remember, such as:
- ILov3mydogsp0t!
- !h8tepickles
Staff can change their password prior to the Monday April 26th deadline as well. We thank you all for your help in making this transition to creating a more secure workplace. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to your manager.