Brought to you by popular demand, there is now a monthly CEO all agency calendar on the Intranet! You can access it via the top bar navigation, just to the right of Purchase Requests. Prior to the start of each new month the calendar will be updated with activities...
Quick Links
2019 Holiday Party Feedback Survey
It’s hard to believe we are thinking about the holidays again, but planning starts early for our annual holiday party! In an effort to gather feedback on the 2019 party to better plan our 2020 holiday gathering, please fill out the brief survey below. 2019...
CEO Holiday Party Photos
Some photos from the holiday party are now up on Facebook! Congratulations again to our 2019 CEO Stars and staff members receiving years of service recognition! 2019 CEO Stars Years of service recognition
Staff Holiday Party
Shop at B. Lodge & Co. on Thursday!
Still have some holiday shopping to do? Our friends at B. Lodge & Co in Albany are offering 5% of all purchases to CEO on Thursday, December 5th.
Staff Food Drive Winner
Congratulations to the Urban Training Center for winning the Staff Thanksgiving Food Drive with a total of 222 donated non perishable items! As a thank you for their efforts they'll be the recipients of a pizza party on a TBD date. Thank you to everyone who...
VOTE for CEO in the Times Union Big $100,000 Giveaway!
CEO was nominated to participate in the Times Union “The Big $100,000 Giveaway” contest again this year. This Thursday, November 14th, CEO will be running an ad in the Times Union “Capital Region Gives” special edition, along with many other area nonprofits. Between...
Happy Birthday Mother Goose Performance Video Screening
Wednesday, November 13th | 4-5:30pm We will be sharing both the 10am and 11:30am performance videos from the Happy Birthday Mother Goose play this past spring on Wednesday, November 13th at the Community Resource Center in the conference room. We are extending the...
Staff Food Drive to Support Thanksgiving Food Packages
We'll be hosting a staff food drive again this year to collect nonperishable items for the Thanksgiving Food Packages program. Donations will be accepted at every CEO location from November 1st through November 18th. Donate any of the following food items: Canned...
Thanksgiving Food Packages
In partnership with Unity House, and Capital Roots, CEO is hosting sign-ups for food packages for thanksgiving starting on Monday, October 7th. All of the sign-up information is on the CEO Website>>>