We are excited to announce that CEO is joining forces with Unity House and the Regional Food Bank of Northeaster NY to offer Thanksgiving food packages for our customers. CEO has enough baskets reserved to serve roughly 130-150 families. Distribution will take place...
Quick Links
CEO Fall Webstore
We are happy to announce that CEO will be opening the webstore through our partners at Awards by Walsh again this fall. Staff who may be interested in ordering CEO t-shirts, fleeces, and more, can shop directly through the online store between now and October 21. Once...
Flu Clinic Wednesday September 18
CEO will be hosting a Flu Clinic open to CEO staff and the public on Wednesday September 18th from 2:30pm-4pm in the Rensselaer Conference Room at the Bridge- 2328 5th Avenue, Troy, NY, 12180. Please review the attachments for required consent and to ensure that your...
“What If…” Mini Grants
We are happy to announce that our friends at the Troy Savings Bank Charitable Foundation are launching another round of "What If..." Mini Grants this fall! This time residents across Rensselaer County can apply for a mini grant to improve their community. "What If..."...
New staff orientation
Help us extend a warm welcome to the new CEO staff that went through orientation this week: Faith McCall (Teacher Assistant, Shelby Carpenter (CDA Trainee), Casandra Denaut (Family Advocate), Holly, Heuser Hagadorn (Family Advocate), Krysta Valet (Family Advocate),...
New staff orientation
Tabitha Owens (Talent Acquisition Specialist), Samantha Altschuler (Assistant Center Manager at RFRC), Olivia McDaniel (UPK Teacher at School 2), Kenny Holmes (HR Generalist) Help us welcome two new staff that went through orientation this week, Samantha and Olivia!...
CEO Special Day Recognition Calendar
Over the past several months CEO has been working to create a calendar of holidays and months/days of recognition that we will be acknowledging on an agency and/or program level. Please see the below for the 2024-2025 calendar (an ongoing work in progress each year)....
New CEO Branded Document Templates
In an effort to improve some of our internal documents and better match them to our current branding, the marketing department has three new templates for staff to use: CEO Letterhead Template CEO Policy Template CEO Memo-Agenda-General Doc Template These will replace...
Revised Code of Conduct/Zero Tolerance
We wanted to share the below documents to be distributed to staff and utilized in programs; CEO’s revised Code of Conduct and Zero Tolerance Policy. These documents provide guidance and expectations for customer behaviors while on CEO premises. Over the past few...
Baby Shop Closet
We are excited to announce that CEO recently partnered with Mom Starts Here to open a baby shop closet in CEO’s Bridge building!! The baby shop closet will be stocked with diaper sizes 1-6, bottles, wipes, clothes, and blankets/bibs. The baby shop closet is open...