CEO is pleased to announce that our VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistant) program will resume again for the 2023 tax season, led by our long-time VITA Site Coordinator: George Betzinger. This year CEO will be offering both in-person and online (virtual) tax...
Quick Links
VITA 2021 Update
Our VITA services will be resuming for 2021 and the filing of 2020 taxes. Due to the continued threat of Covid-19 and out of an abundance of caution, CEO’s VITA services will be fully virtual. Virtual VITA means that the taxpayer will upload his/her/their tax...
VITA Free Tax Prep Services
We are excited to announce that we have begun taking appointments for our VITA free tax preparation services. Appointments will take place every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30pm-6:30pm from Tuesday January 21st through Tuesday April 14th. Appointments are now...
January 2014 News
Good afternoon everyone! Here’s some news to brighten your January! CEO was able to serve 130 families with our joint CEO/Unity House Adopt A Family Store. The families really embraced and enjoyed the new model where they were able to choose toys and gifts themselves. The agency had 18 interns who spent the Fall 2013 […]