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Deck the Halls Part 3
Last but not least, we have a great showing from the Rensselaer FRC.
Deck the Halls Part 2
More great decorations came in throughout the afternoon. Great job everyone!
First Day of 12 Days of Holiday Cheer- Deck the Halls
Thanks to all the staff who've already sent over their photos after they "decked the halls!" There...
Accessing Your Voicemail Remotely
With some staff working remotely, we wanted to share the process for accessing your voicemail when...
December Calendar
The December Calendar has been updated on the Intranet. If you'd like to participate, there will...
December Birthdays
Happy Birthday to all of our staff with birthdays coming up in December! Staff...
55th Anniversary Tee Shirts
It's great to see so man of our staff sporting the new 55th Anniversary Tee Shirts!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wishing all of our staff and our community a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
Send us your pics!
We want to see everyone in their CEO 55 Anniversary tee shirts! Send along your pictures to...
Instructions for Connecting to CEO’s Network
Instructions for connecting to CEO's Network both remotely through VPN and while on the CEO campus...
KeyBank Student Loan Debt Seminar
If you'd like to view the recording of the KeyBank seminar on Student Loan Debt from 11/12, it is...
Now Hiring Temp. Construction Crew Members!
We need your help recruiting! We are currently looking for Temporary Construction Crew...
Thanksgiving Gift Cards
As a thank you to our staff, Thanksgiving gifts are being distributed across the agency this week....
Veterans Day
Just a reminder that CEO's offices and centers will be closed tomorrow, November 11th in...
Survey Reminder
If you haven't already, please complete the survey sent by Deb Best via email last week.. We need...
November Self Care Calendar
Please find the New Ways November calendar with ideas and suggestions to make sure you are making...
Updates to The More You Know About CEO
The page hosting all the More You Know videos has ben updated with two new videos: Early Childhood...
KeyBank Financial Webinars
The KeyBank Financial Webinars were recorded and are available to watch: CEO SEMINAR "MANAGING...
Fostering an Inclusive Work Environment During the Election
Dear CEO Staff, With Election Day around the corner, I am sending out a quick message to all of...
November Birthdays
Help us extend birthday celebrations to all staff with November birthdays!...
November Monthly Calendar
The monthly calendar has been updated with agency activities for November.
A Message to All Staff
Dear CEO Staff, As we approach Halloween, a popular tradition for many individuals and families,...
CDC Safe Halloween Tips
Halloween is coming up this weekend, and while you are planning your spooky activities, we thought...
New Program Flyers
There are a number of new program flyers available for download and use as both JPGs (for easy...