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Friday Afternoon Fun!
Around CRC: Our facilities staff has been hard at work renovating the CRC lobby! We can't wait for...
May Birthdays!
Help us extend a Happy Birthday to our staff with birthdays in May. StaffLocationBirthdateEmma...
Virtual Fill the Truck
Community Action Month is coming up in May, and typically CEO would be planning a variety of...
Friday Afternoon Fun!
With everyone being a little less connected due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, we thought it would be...
Happy Administrative Professionals Day
We want to extend a huge thank you to the administrative professionals that help our agency run...
Congratulations to Peter Gaynor, our April CEO STAR! We appreciate your hard work, Peter!
Greetings From the CRC!
Assistant Director of Program Operations, Renata, let us know that the essential staff working at...
Employee Assistance Fund Program
The Employee Assistance Fund (EAF) has been established to provide financial assistance to...
WeCount! Census 2020 in Rensselaer County
CEO is proud to be part of the Rensselaer County Complete Count Committee. The committee has put...
CRC Renovations
While most programs and centers are closed due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, we are using this as an...
Agency Updates
Dear CEO Staff, On April 5, 2020 the Governor extended the Executive Orders relating to New York...
CEO Closed Friday, April 10th
Please note, to give our essential staff a break, our offices and services will be closed on...
Employee Assistance Program Overview
UCM’s Virtual ER: Providing help during COVID-19
Please remember that United Concierge Medicine is here to support you and your families during...
Families First Coronavirus Response Act
Covid-19 Update to all CEO Staff and Customers
As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, the temporary closure of all CEO Sties have been extended...
Happy Birthday to our April Birthdays!
Please help us extend birthday wishes (virtual or in person) to the staff with April birthdays!...
Update on Text Alert Service
Please note that the number CEO will be sending text updates from has changed from 518-201-0764 to...
COVID 19 Update
Dear CEO Staff, Please be aware that the temporary closure of non essential programs and services...
Food Pantry Update
While the process may look a little different, our Food Pantry is still open. We are taking extra...
Taking care of you
Hi Everyone, With the interesting situation we are all facing, the social worker in me would like...
March CEO Star
Congratulations to our March CEO Star, Junior! We really appreciate his diligence and hard work...
A message from our financial advisors regarding your pension accounts
Given the current market volatility, this can be an unnerving time to be invested in the stock...
Price Chopper Gift Card Update 3-23
We believe we've found all cards that were not correctly registered with Price Chopper. If you...