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2019 Marketing & Communications Calendar

The 2019 CEO Marketing & Communications Calendar is available as a living document on Google Drive. If your program has a specific event that might have been missed, or an event with a firm dates that need to be updated, let the marketing department know! Send updates to

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A Day in the Life of an ECS Home Visitor- Heather Smith

“I love being able to help the families! I love that as a home visitor I bring services to the kids and families that other families get in the center. For example, I help them with coats and backpacks, sometimes I bring them Thanksgiving Dinners during the holidays. Back in September, we had a safe […]

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Thank you for your Votes! CEO won $10,000 in TU Advertising!

  Thank you all for voting often for CEO in the Times Union’s Big $100,000 Giveaway; because of your help and support, CEO was one of the winners this year! We’re so thankful to have that $10,000 in advertising to use throughout 2019. Thank you again for all of your help! You can read more […]

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Facebook Live Event to Help Raise $1,000

From now until December 11th at 12 noon, SEFCU’s Facebook page will be hosting a Facebook Live event that could result in CEO receiving $1,000 before the end of the year! Where: Facebook Live What is happening: Each Like/Reaction, Share, and Comment = $5 (Up to $22,000; $1,000 for each organization they are supporting, including us!) When: SEFCU […]

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Shop at Lodges December 6th to help CEO!

B. Lodge & Co. is hosting their annual sale through December 8th. Tomorrow, December 6th, CEO will be the nonprofit beneficiary of sale proceeds! If you shop at Lodge’s tomorrow, 5% will be donated to CEO! Spread the word and cross a few items of your holiday shopping list!

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Hoosick Falls Harvest Lunch

While many of our centers hosted harvest lunches last week prior to the Thanksgiving Holiday, Hoosick Falls postponed theirs to this week, due to the snow. Here’s a great shot of Nanzetta and Rodney preparing the Harvest lunch yesterday. We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving Holiday!

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CEO & Unity House Holiday Store

CEO and Unity House are once again partnering to serve our customers during this Holiday Season. This year we will again open our collaborative Holiday Store on 8th Street in Troy to provide gifts for children 0-17. Please see the eligibility criteria for receiving this service below: Must be a CEO or Unity customer (having […]

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A Day in the Life of a ECS Program Assistant

“You are not just a teacher; you are much more to each family. It’s not just showing up to work every day. That might be the most positive thing in a child’s day. You don’t know what’s going on at home in anyone’s life, but you know that you can provide something positive for them […]

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UPDATE: CEO Facilities Delayed Opening Until 12pm

Due to the inclement weather, CEO owned and operated facilities will be opening on a delayed schedule this morning, Friday, November 16th. Offices will open at 10am in order to allow the facilities department time to prepare parking lots and sidewalks for staff and customers. Non-essential staff must not arrive before the designated opening time.

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REMINDER: Inclement Weather & Emergency Closing Policy

As we get closer to winter and begin to see inclement weather on the horizon, we want to share the updated Emergency Closing Policy with all staff. Please take a moment to review the policy. In the event of a potential emergency closing, staff should reference the website for updates on CEO closings or delays. […]

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Happy Birthday Mother Goose Film Screening

This past year we were lucky enough to partner with Natalie Merchant, SEFCU, and a team of volunteers for a very special performance, “Happy Birthday Mother Goose.” Natalie started working with some of our PreK classrooms in Troy during the winter, and as spring came around, we started planning a performance of the nursery rhymes […]

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Vote for CEO in the Times Union Big $100,000 Giveaway!

CEO was nominated by KeyBank to participate in the Times Union “The Big $100,000 Giveaway” contest this year. This Thursday, November 15th, CEO will be running an ad in the Times Union “Capital Region Gives” special edition, along with many other area nonprofits. Between November 15th and December 3rd voting will be open. The top […]

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Foster Grandparent’s 1st Annual Senior Gift Drive

Do you want to give back this holiday season? Do you have a closet full of new items you could re-gift? Donate your gifts to the gift drive! Suggested gift ideas include, but are not limited to: kitchenware, games, slippers, puzzles, adult coloring books, toiletries, grocery store gift cards, etc. All gifts will be distributed […]

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Staff Thanksgiving Food Drive Results

Thank you again to everyone who participated in the staff Thanksgiving Food Drive to benefit the Thanksgiving Food Packages. Together we donated over 300 items for families in need! Gravy: 54 cans/jars Pumpkin Pie Filling: 44 cans Cranberry Sauce: 53 cans Stuffing: 62 boxes Elbow Mac: 52 boxes Pie Crust Mix: 43 boxes A total […]

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Congratulations to the Thanksgiving Staff Food Drive winner!

Thank you so much to all of the staff that participated in the food drive to benefit the Thanksgiving Food Packages this past week. We had great participation across our buildings and centers, but are happy to announce the winner of the contest is the Schodack Family Resource Center! Congratulations to Schodack!

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CEO in the News

This past week has been an exciting time for CEO in the news. On Tuesday CAP COM visited our Lansingburgh CRC and Schools 2 & 12 with coats for our kids. The Times Union, Troy Record,  and Spectrum News were all in attendance and ran great stories on this collaboration between CAP COM, CEO, and […]

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CEO Website

There is some work being done to the CEO website ( today to make it more secure. There may be some glitches or small issues, but we hope to have them resolved by the end of the day. If you notice anything peculiar, don’t hesitate to reach out to with any questions or concerns. […]

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CEO Staff Food Drive

To support Thanksgiving Food Packages Donations will be accepted at every CEO location throughout the week of October 29th through November 2nd.

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A rainbow over CEO

After the rain yesterday afternoon, Samantha Ashline took this great shot of a rainbow over our Community Resource Center!

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