Quick Links
Early Childhood Services’ 2017-2018 School Year Calendar
Please find Early Childhood Services’ 2017-2018 school year calendar below. As always, the calendar is subject to change throughout the year, but the team has projected staff development days, breaks, holidays, etc. and wanted to get this out as soon as possible for planning purposes. Please reach out to Heather Gallerie with any questions, and please feel […]
Dos and Don’ts of Managing Agency Social Media
Whether you are a current or new admin for one of the agency’s social media program pages, it is important to keep in mind specific “dos and don’ts” when posting on behalf of CEO. Please feel free to print the infographic below to use as a resource or point of reference when utilizing CEO’s social media pages. If […]
Did you know?
As an employee of a not-for-profit organization, you may be able to receive loan forgiveness under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program. Learn more here: https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/repay-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/public-service
Valley Cats Tickets!
We have some Valley Cats Tickets that have been donated by one of our partners and we would like to offer them to all employees in a lottery-style process. Listed below are the details. Please respond back to Nancy Uber which night and how many tickets you would like by July 26th. We will then […]
We need your help!
We need your help! Please check in and around your area for a missing package that was delivered to CRC within the past month. The package contained 8 iPad Air covers for our Rensselaer UPK program and came from FM Office Products. If you find the package, please let Pam Maxstadt know. Thank you! […]
The Troy Baby Café at CEO!
The Troy Baby Café at CEO opened on Wednesday July 5th!! What is a Baby Café? A free drop in center for pregnant and breastfeeding moms and their supporters. There you can meet other breastfeeding moms and receive up to date information from breastfeeding professionals while feeling safe, relaxed, and valued. Free refreshments provided! The […]
Early Childhood Job Fair
CEO will be having open interviews on Thursday, July 13th from 1:30pm to 4:30pm at our Community Resource Center. We ask you to please spread the word at this time by printing the flyer below and posting it where you all deem appropriate. We want to make this job fair to be a successful one and […]
Computer Lab Renewal
We are remodeling the current Computer Lab on the 3rd floor in CRC and anticipate completion by September 6th. During this time, we will not be able to honor any requests to reserve the lab. Please let Nancy Uber know if this creates a significant hardship and you and her can work together to come to a solution. If you have […]
Marketing Tip Monday: Social Media Image Guide
Are you an admin on one of our social media pages? Do you ever upload a profile picture, cover photo, or image and it does not fit correctly? Here is a 2017 social media sizing “cheat sheet” to help with that! […]
Marketing Tip Monday: Email Signatures
Are you new to CEO or need to update your email signature? Email signatures are like business cards for your emails. They give your receiver all the important information regarding how they can contact you. It is very important to have a proper signature set up for your email account. All staff with email MUST […]
Safe & Sound Week Yoga Class
In recognition of Safe and Sound week CDPHP will be sponsoring a Yoga class on Wednesday, June 14th from 4:30pm-5:30pm in the CRC Large Conference room. You do not have to hold CDPHP medical insurance to join the class, all employees and fitness levels are welcome to attend! Please bring a mat/towel, water, and wear […]
June CEO Stars
Congratulations to Katrina Solomon who serves as one of our Head Start Family Advocates and Jim Gardner who serves as a YouthBuild Educator for truly going above and beyond in all areas of their work! The CEO Staff Appreciation and Recognition (STAR) program was developed to identify and acknowledge employees for exceptional performance or significant contributions related […]
Marketing Tip Monday: Creating Marketing Materials
Important: Please Read With any company, it is important to maintain consistent and proper branding. At CEO, it is extremely important that we are abiding by this. The marketing department is in place to ensure that a consistent “CEO brand presence” is maintained across the agency as a whole, so that the CEO brand is […]
Exciting Opportunity this Friday!
Join us for Playing It Back: Stories about Family hosted by the Creative Action Playback Theater Company. This is the first performance of a three-part Playback Theater series – a performance where the audience members can tell a story from their lives and see it played back as theater, on the spot! Bring your friends, family, […]
Community Action Day Pictures
Photos from Community Action Day are now up. Please feel free to save and use any photos you like.
CDPHP 5K Reminder
The CDPHP work force challenge is tomorrow at 6:25pm at the Empire State Plaza! We plan on meeting at 6:00pm for a team photo. Below is a map of the plaza and where we (CEO team members) intend to meet. Please join us if you can! We will have race bibs available for pick up […]
Marketing Tip Monday: Access the Intranet from Anywhere
Have you ever wanted to check the intranet when you were outside of the office? You do not need to be connected to CEO’s wifi or on a CEO computer to access the intranet. You can access it on any device by simply typing in the URL below: www.intranet.intranet.ceo-cap.org To help you remember this URL, be sure to bookmark it […]
Happy National Teachers Day!
Happy National Teachers Day to all of our incredibly devoted teachers at CEO! If you see a CEO teacher today, be sure to thank them for their dedication and hard work (high fives are encouraged, too)! You all have such a postive impact on the lives of the children that you teach in the Early Head Start […]
Marketing Tip Monday: CEO Logos
Did you know that our CEO logos are accessible on the intranet? If you ever need to find one of our CEO logos, simply go to the intranet and click on resources – marketing and communications – scroll to the bottom of the page. To download logos, click on the logo of your choice. It […]
Fill it Friday!
CEO will be leading a personal care products drive for our customers! Unfortunately, because many of our customers do not have the means to purchase personal care products, we thought we could benefit our communities by collecting items for them. We are tying this activity in with Community Action Day/Month. What better way to show […]
Community Action Month Activities
Check out the updated list of Community Action Month Activities that CEO employees will be tackling our community!
Welcome to Marketing Tip Monday!
Each Monday we will be posting a marketing tip to the intranet! If you have a question about anything marketing-related that you would like answered as one of these tips, please email Sophia Loughry at sloughry@ceoempowers.org. Questions will be answered on a first come first serve basis. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This Week’s Tip: Guidelines to follow when submitting […]
Foster Grandparent Recognition Luncheon
Last week our Foster Grandparents were recognized for their dedicated service at our Foster Grandparent Recognition Luncheon. In 2016 alone, they contributed over 230,000 service hours!
Happy Earth Day!
Tomorrow is Earth Day! How are you celebrating? Planting in your garden? Picking up trash? Going for a hike? Taking your dog for a walk in the park? Check out the video below to see what has changed from the first Earth Day in 1970 to now. Want to learn how to reduce your carbon footprint? Click […]