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In the Name of Literacy
Justin Paré, Manager at Southern Rensselaer County FRC, wanted to encourage reading for World Literacy Month, but he wasn’t sure how to motivate the center’s Head Start kids… until he came up with a great idea. He told them: “Read more than 100 books this month, and you can all hit me in the face […]
January 2014 News
Good afternoon everyone! Here’s some news to brighten your January! CEO was able to serve 130 families with our joint CEO/Unity House Adopt A Family Store. The families really embraced and enjoyed the new model where they were able to choose toys and gifts themselves. The agency had 18 interns who spent the Fall 2013 […]
December 2013 News
Mark your calendars! There is A LOT going on at CEO this month! Let’s support each other’s programs during this very busy season! The Foster Grandparent Program is celebrating the holidays with a special recognition luncheon for all CEO foster grandparents on December 12th from 11:00 to 2:00. The party will be at the Lansingburgh […]
Showing Coworkers How Much They Are Appreciated
Received this photo today. After Jennyfer Palacio was recognized as a CEO Star, her coworkers went the extra mile to show how much they care… Let’s all keep this spirit alive!
November News!
Hello staff! With the holidays right around the corner, some of our programs are ramping up for special holiday initiatives. If you have photos or news you would like to share as the month unfolds, please email Emily Cote, Marketing and Communications Specialist, at ecote@intranet.ceo-cap.org CEO’s Early Childhood programs are participating in warm winter coat […]
New ZUMBA Dates!
Please join us for ZUMBA in th FRC Gross Motor room from 6:15 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. the following Wednesday evenings – get healthy and have fun!! 10/30 11/6 11/13 11/20 12/3 12/11 12/18
October 2013 news
Lots of exciting things going on at CEO this month! As you know, our “A Time for Tasting” fundraiser is fast approaching! We hope to see you at the Hilton Garden Inn on October 23rd! The YouthBuild program has started working on their newest building project. The trusses have already been delivered: CEO’s YouthBuild program […]
Foster Grandparent Summer Luncheon
Below, enjoy some great shots of CEO staff and Foster Grandparents celebrating together at the FGP Summer Luncheon:
Financial Resource Center Success
Last month, CEO’s Financial Resource Center: Had three customers maintain their budget for 90 days and one customer opened a savings account for their child. Had a customer who was able to take several collection items off of his credit report just by disputing it with the collection agency. Also, check out this hear-warming success […]
Welcome Back Early Childhood Staff!
The Early Childhood program is happy to welcome back all Early/Head Start staff, children and families for the 2013-2014 program year! We are looking forward to another successful school year and are eager to get started. September is Attendance Awareness month, during which we will be taking time to help all families understand the impact […]
Technology Upgrades
The IT Department has begun deploying new network printers to all users to save on printing expenses, while also simplifying the ordering and repair processes. You can expect these printers to be rolling out very soon. Also, the IT department is going to be ordering a new phone system for the main campus buildings, with […]
Success Stories
Hello Staff! This is just a friendly reminder to keep Success Stories in mind throughout the year. We put a large emphasis on gathering stories in February in anticipation of Community Action Month, but the truth is, we can use them anytime throughout the year! If you have a customer that you feel has made […]
YouthBuild Mental Toughness
CEO’s YouthBuild Program is recruiting! Applicants are currently going through the rigorous Mental Toughness phase, where the final program participants will be chosen. To encourage new applicants, the YouthBuild Program is offering a $20.00 incentive for referrals. Applicants must complete all paperwork, qualify for the program, and complete at least two days of Mental Toughness […]
SSII Students Graduate
In an adorable graduation ceremony, the SSII pre-schoolers celebrated their acheivements, all ready to start kindergarten. The children were very excited to receive their diplomas, and their families were equally excited to watch as the kids put on quite the show!