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Friday Fun!

May 29, 2020 | Foster Grandparents

It’s a sunny Friday, and the last weekend in May. We hope you have a great weekend!

Around CEO this week:

The Foster Grandparents decorated huggy hearts to help celebrate Community Action Month!

Integra HR supported CEO with two great events: they sponsored a fill the truck event at the Defreestville Fire Department, and they bought our essential workers lunch on Thursday.

Around the Capital Region:

The City of Troy launched a “Wear a Mask” campaign. You can submit your own photo, or tag them in a social media post.

Don’t forget to fill our your census, and encourage your friends and neighbors too!

And Beyond!

An Ontario couple set up scenes in their backyard, and waited for the wildlife to star in some excellent photos!

Have you seen the trend of people recreating famous paintings? Here are a few great ones!

Have a great weekend!