We wanted to take a few minutes to remind everyone of a few IT related items:
- Please don’t forget to do your Arctic Wolf cyber security trainings.
- The emails will be coming directly from Arctic Wolf on Thursdays, and the expectation is that all staff will complete these trainings.
- Individual trainings may be a video, an interactive quiz, or other training format.
- When doing the training, you need to click on the “Finish” button to have it logged, otherwise the program will not register the training as completed.
- With our initial phishing simulation email that went out from Arctic Wolf, 54% of our staff failed the simulation and clicked on the link. Those that did fail the simulation were directed to a training. If you didn’t click on the link, congratulations! We are hoping the numbers will go down over time as more folks are trained to look out for phishing emails. If you didn’t click on the phishing link, but would like to see the training, click here.
- Lastly, we wanted to remind staff not to leave their CEO laptops in their cars even if they are locked. Our Acceptable Use policy states that “If a CEO Technology Resource, such as a laptop or portable device, is taken off-site, it must be physically secured at all times.” Please note that a locked car is not an approved location for a laptop, especially in the temperature extremes of summer and winter.
Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions, and thank you in advance for your help with these items.