Happy Community Action Month! We want to take a moment to recognize our early childhood services staff, and our nurses, since it is both Teacher Appreciation Week & Nurse Appreciation Week. We are thankful to have all of you and appreciate the wonderful work you...
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Community Action
Fill the Truck Event!
CEO's 8th Annul Fill the Truck event will take place on Community Action Day, Friday, May 10th, from 9am to noon at our main campus. We are looking for donations of cleaning supplies, and personal hygiene items to help stock our food pantry. Below is the flyer, any...
Community Action Day T-Shirt Contest
Congratulations to Holly Morley on her winning design for this year’s Community Action Day T-Shirt Contest! Thank you to everyone else who submitted a design as well, and to our Community Action Day Committee for all their help so far. T-shirts will be distributed for...
Community Action Day Activities
Community Action Day is next Friday, May 12th, and there are great activities planned across our agency. Community Action Day is part of a larger Community Action Month movement that over 1,000 Community Action Agencies in the network participate in every year. 2023...
Community Action Day T-Shirt Design
We are happy to announce that Holly Morley had the winning T-Shirt design for our Community Action Month T-Shirt Contest. Thank you to everyone who participated, and congratulations, Holly! The final branded design is below. The front of the shirt will feature a white...
Community Action Day T-Shirt Contest
With Community Action Month coming up in May, CEO is hosting a design competition for the Community Action Month t-shirts. All CEO staff can enter the competition, and are encouraged to do so! Between now and March 17, 2023, entries can be submitted to the Marketing...
Community Action Day & T-Shirt
As you know, we will be celebrating Community Action Day on Friday, May 13th . This is traditionally the day that the staff at CEO, a Community Action Agency, takes time out of their busy work schedules to participate in a variety of community-centered activities...
Fill the Truck Event
CEO is happy to announce we will be hosting our annual Fill the Truck event again this May. Mark your calendars for Friday, May 13th, and please pass along the PDF below to any community partners that may be interested in donating. Fill the Truck Flyer
May 14th | Community Action Day
This Friday CEO is celebrating Community Action Day! Below is a list of activities happening across the agency. As a reminder, the overall schedule for the day is: 8am to 9:30am—Work or potential Community Action activities 10am to 11:30am—All Staff Zoom Meeting...
Community Action Day
In honor of Community Action Month, and after pausing in 2020, CEO would like to resume our long standing tradition of dedicating time in the month of May to improve our communities. The Senior Administrative Team has ear-marked Friday, May 14th, as Community...