Thank you to everyone who filled out the IT Tips & Tricks Survey earlier this fall. The IT Steering Committee reviewed the submissions and wanted to follow up with all staff on a few common trends across the data. Of the staff that filled out the survey...

Quick Links
IT Survey
The IT Steering Committee would like to hear from you about what potential technology related tips & trainings you might like to see in the upcoming year. We have a brief survey we’d love for all staff to fill out to help guide what is offered in the future. If...
Winter Break Voicemail & OOO
With winter break coming up tomorrow, we wanted to touch base with everyone about expectations around out of office messages. Before you leave for break, please take a moment to put up an out of office message in Outlook. Feel free to use the template below and...
Please change your extension greeting
In an effort to have a more consistent user experience across the agency’s phone system, we are asking staff to re-record their extension greeting to just their job title. For example, “Center Manager,” “Program Assistant,” etc. To record your extension greeting...
IT Reminders
We wanted to take a few minutes to remind everyone of a few IT related items: Please don’t forget to do your Arctic Wolf cyber security trainings. The emails will be coming directly from Arctic Wolf on Thursdays, and the expectation is that all staff will complete...
External Email Notifications
In our continued efforts to keep our users and network safe from cyber threats, a banner will be added to the top of emails that are received from outside of our network. This banner will notify users when an email has been received from an external source, which...
IT Tips: Email Record Retention Reminder
A gentle reminder that all emails will only be available for a rolling 12-month period. Please remember to save important documentation outside of Outlook. Below is a tip sheet for how to go about reviewing your inbox and other mail folders, and save important...
Arctic Wolf Cyber Security Training
As we mentioned earlier this month, we are switching our cyber security training platform from ProofPoint to Arctic Wolf. This switch was made to keep us better informed and up-to-date on trends, to better train CEO’s staff, and to streamline the management of the...
IT Tips & Tricks
We are launching a new series on the Intranet- IT Tips & Tricks! Today's tip: if you are planning on getting a new phone, give IT a heads up prior to making the switch and they can help you migrate your WatchGuard token easier.
Cyber Security Training
We are in the process of changing our cyber security training software from ProofPoint to Arctic Wolf. You may receive an email directly from Arctic Wolf that says you have been added to their platform. Feel free to ignore it, since it’s just part of the onboarding...