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Free Virtual Wellness Class
We are happy to share with you that CEO has partnered with CDPHP to bring you all a virtual...
Open Enrollment Information Sessions
CEO’s annual benefit open enrollment time is upon us and will allow each benefit eligible staff...
Gratitude Letter
Dear CEO Staff, As we quickly approach our second holiday season with continued challenges and...
Important Message Regarding Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations
Dear CEO Staff, As some of you may be aware, over the weekend, a Federal Court temporarily...
Lansingburgh Family Resource Center Heating Issue
Due to a heating issue at our Lansingburgh Family Resource Center we will be closed for children...
Important Message Regarding Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations
Dear CEO Staff, After careful consideration, and in compliance with President Biden’s vaccine...
November 2021 Birthdays
Help us wish a Happy Birthday to all the staff members with November birthdates! Megan Reed RFRC...
IT Systems Update
While a significant amount of work has been completed over the past few weeks to reestablish our...
2021 Thanksgiving Baskets
Despite a delayed start; we are excited to announce that we will again be joining forces with...
CEO Network Update
On Monday, October 11, 2021, CEO learned that it was the target of a sophisticated and well...
Spectrum Phone System Launch Today
We are excited to announce that the despite the network issues, the Main Campus will be making the...
IT Network Update
The past couple of days have been extremely challenging as we work to understand the issues with...
ATTENTION: Network Systems
Please be advised the CEO network and phone systems are down. IT is working diligently to resolve...
COVID-19 Updates
Since the beginning of the pandemic, CEO has provided our staff with a high level of flexibility...
October 2021 Birthdays
Help us wish a Happy Birthday to all the staff members with October birthdates! Staff Member...
Holiday Gift & Size Update Needed in ADP
CEO is excited to announce our Staff Holiday Gift! We’ve attached a mockup of the quarter zip...
COVID Vaccination Documentation
If you have been vaccinated for Covid-19 and have not yet provided HR with a copy of your...
REMINDER: Complete Proofpoint Data Security Training
As part of our NY State Shield Act Compliance, CEO has purchased a data security training software...
New COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
Dear CEO Staff, Yesterday, President Biden announced a vaccine mandate for all federal employees...
Microsoft Teams Install & Tutorial
CEO is in the process of rolling out Microsoft Teams across the agency and we’d like YOU to join...
Password Requirements Reminder
As we transition into the school year, please remember that we updated our password requirements...
New Phone System
We are excited to announce that we will be transitioning our phone service to a new provider over...
COVID Protocol FAQs
As we near the end of the Families First Covid leave protections, we felt it was important to get...
September 2021 Birthdays!
Help us wish a Happy Birthday to all the staff members with September birthdates! Staff Member...