Quick Links
Arctic Wolf Cyber Security Training
As we mentioned earlier this month, we are switching our cyber security training platform from...
IT Tips & Tricks
We are launching a new series on the Intranet- IT Tips & Tricks! Today's tip: if you are...
Community Action Day T-Shirt Design
We are happy to announce that Holly Morley had the winning T-Shirt design for our Community Action...
Cyber Security Training
We are in the process of changing our cyber security training software from ProofPoint to Arctic...
Emergency Lockdown Procedure
To All CEO Staff: The emergency alerts that occurred throughout our nation in recent days have...
April 2023 Birthdays!
Help us wish a Happy Birthday to all the staff members with April birthdates! Staff Member...
Nourish New York
We are happy to announce that CEO has been awarded another round of Nourish New York grant...
URGENT: Password change and Microsoft update needed
Microsoft discovered a critical security vulnerability that allows attackers to steal login...
WIC and WIC Vendor Management Program News
Earlier this week we were notified by the NYS Department of Health (DOH) that our five-year WIC...
Wellness Room on Main Campus
Please note the wellness room in the CRC is temporarily closed for preventative maintenance.
Wellness Day- March 17th
Happy Friday! CEO continues to prioritize employee wellness in our decision making and...
Community Action Day T-Shirt Contest
With Community Action Month coming up in May, CEO is hosting a design competition for the...
Customer Satisfaction Surveys- Weatherization
We received a few cards back from Weatherization customers and wanted to share with everyone, and...
March 2023- Birthdays!
Help us wish a Happy Birthday to all the staff members with March birthdates! Staff Member...
A Day in the Life in CEO’s CDA Program
Kristen Ryan- CDA Graduate and Toddler Teacher at the RFRC Kristen is a recent graduate of CEO’s...
New CEO Letterhead
There is a new CEO digital letterhead available for staff use in both a Word Document and PDF...
Customer Satisfaction Surveys
We've been collecting customer satisfaction surveys, and wanted to share a few kind words our...
February 2023- Staff Birthdays!
Help us wish a Happy Birthday to all the staff members with February birthdates! Staff Member...
Arel Moodie 1.13 Training
A recording of Arel Moodie's all staff training from January 13 is available for staff to watch on...
CEO Volunteer Income Tax Assistance: FREE Tax Preparation Program
CEO is pleased to announce that our VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistant) program will resume...
Federal Tax Withholding
With tax season approaching we wanted to provide staff with a resource to help you determine your...
W-2s in ADP
I hope everyone is having a good week. W-2’s have been released and are accessible to all...
2022-2023 Payroll Calendar
Please see the attached for the 22-23 payroll calendar. We are excited to announce that this year...
Important Update
To All Staff: Over the past few months, the CEO Board of Directors has been working to identify...